
Restaurant and Hotel Check List

Check the Halls.  East Hampton’s Rowdy Hall and Guild Hall have teamed up for some family fun during the holiday season.  See an afternoon movie at Guild Hall and get a two-course meal at Rowdy Hall thrown in.  The tab is only $25 for an adult and $15 for a child (with a special children’s menu) on Sunday, November 21st (the 1933 “The Homecoming: A Christmas Story”) and Sunday, December 19th. (“It’s A Wonderful Life”).

Check the box.  Muse Restaurant & Aquatic Lounge in Water Mill has added a new $25 wine list and a new “Go Green” pour list with environmentally friendly vino, including Black Box Wines, a premium California wine packaged in boxes instead of bottles.  Boxed wine is a great idea for many reasons, including environment, price and freshness once it’s opened.  It’s more popular in Europe than here, and I predict we’ll be seeing more of it.

Check In.  If you can arrive Friday, November 19th, you’ll depart Monday, November 22 feeling a lot better.  c/o The Maidstone Hotel in East Hampton is offering a Relax & Restore package that restores your energy and recharges the soul. The wellness package includes accommodations for three nights, a vegan dinner, daily juice meals, a private yoga session, beach walks and a lot more.

Glorious Grapes Wherever You Go - Hamptons Rich and Pour

Hamptons Rich and Pour: Interviews