
Glorious Grapes Wherever You Go - Hamptons Rich and Pour

n putting together end of season reports from East End wineries, I realize from the harvest dates that Baiting Hollow Farm Winery in the Calverton area has a longer growing season than the more easterly vineyards.  But that does not mean that their enthusiasm for the 2010 crop is any less.

These are Paula Geonie's remarks from two days ago:

“We are reeling at Baiting Hollow Farm Vineyard from our spectacular season both in terms of sales in our tasting house and the wonderful quality of the fruit hanging in our vineyard. This growing season has been a very special one with so much heat and sunshine and that is why our fruit is so very ripe, aromatic and flavorful. This has us just chomping at the bit to be able get our wine production into gear. Our white grapes have been pulled already and we start harvesting our Merlot this week. This will conclude in about two weeks time when our Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are removed.”

Contemporary Chilean Wine and Food in the Hamptons

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