
Growing Up in the Hamptons - Hamptons Rich and Pour

Hit list of best mid-summer produce from our own soil, at our own farmstands:

Tomatoes, finally.  A drizzle of olive oil, a few basil leaves, for slices of heaven.

Corn, bicolor.  All you need is salt and pepper.  Skip the butter.  Buy from a stand that picks several times a day so it’s only hours old.

Eggplant.  Enjoy all the various shapes and colors.  Try baby purple.

Melon.  Breathtaking taste you’ll never find in supermarkets or out of season.

Cucumbers.  Chop with mint and yogurt and a hint of garlic.  Try over fish or chicken, or pureed with buttermilk for chilled cucumber soup.

Get your produce young, tender, and freshly picked.  It’s a Hamptons summer romance and it won’t make it to winter.

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