
Meteor Alert: Drop Everything, Get to the Beach

The very best time to have a beach party is coming up.

The Perseid meteor showers will be here soon and it is worth staying up late for that spectacular show.  Midnight to dawn is the best time, and the best nights are Wednesday, August 11 (or more correctly the morning of August 12, beginning at 12:01 a.m.) and the following night/morning.  You can also probably see some meteors on the few night before and after.  The constellation Perseus is located in the northeast quadrant of the sky, and here in the Hamptons we are located far enough away from city lights and polluted skies to get a splendid view.

Before the Hamptons had so many pools and so many social events, the beach was our center of life.  We would have picnics one or two nights a week, and often bigger beach parties.  During the Perseid showers we would eat just before it got dark, build a small campfire, and then lay on our backs watching the shooting stars for a few hours.  It makes you feel very small but nevertheless glad you have a place in this universe.

Keep the drinks simple, not too sweet and not overly alcoholic—something you can sip slowly.  Beer, pink port, or a light tawny port on the rocks, or a spritzer seem right.

What we're drinking now: 2008 Meditazione, an orange wine

Can life in the Hamptons get any sweeter or richer?