
Full House for Empty Bowls

The temperature is in the twenties and plunging.  It’s late January but life in the Hamptons is balmy and weekends are filled with events.  After a long frigid walk on the beach late this morning with Eos and Echo, nothing could have tempted me more than a lunch of hot soup with friends and neighbors at the Springs Firehouse.  A benefit for Springs Seedlings, an organization to help children, more than twenty local restaurants were ladling soup into the bowls we each brought.

The crowd seemed to be all residents of the East End—winemakers, landscapers, chefs, shopkeepers, restaurateurs, a sommelier, and even a few journalists like me.  The three soups I tasted (a spicy chicken soup, a mesmerizing mussel soup and a healthful spinach vegan soup) were delicious, and so was the bread, all far more ambitious than anything I’d cook at home.  It was an affable and nourishing afternoon that reminded me how wonderful our community really is.

Best Nature Walks in the Hamptons - Hamptons Rich and Pour

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