
From Austria to Accabonac

Austrian wines, particularly the peppery, refreshing, mineral rich Gruner Veltliner, have been popular in the Hamptons since Klaus Wittauer, an importer, made the effort to get them into local wine stores and restaurants.

Wittauer, who is just back from Austria, told me that the 2010 harvest is very small.  The 2009 harvest was also undersized though the quality was excellent.  “Lets just hope that 2011 will bring a normal harvest” he said.

He’s upbeat, however.  His company, kwselection ( “will have a very good portfolio next year and we will focus more and more on the $20 and $30 wines.  This is the category in which Austria shines anyway when compared to similarly priced wines from around the world.”

It’s worth remembering that sweet spot in the price range.  I’ve visited Austria’s winegrowing areas and have gotten to know the wines, both reds and whites, pretty well over the years.  They are distinctive, gratifying and good value.  And seem to fit our Hamptons lifestyle.

Toys for Tarte Tatin - Hamptons Rich and Pour

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