
What We Are No Longer Eating: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna - Hamptons Rich and Pour

We've been reading for some time about the overhunting of tuna, and the United States government has been urging a total ban on fishing the Atlantic bluefin tuna--but the International Convention to Conserve Atlantic Tunas (now meeting in Paris) has been entirely ineffective.  Not only are bluefins commercially overfished, juveniles are caught and and fattened in pens before they able to spawn, further reducing the population--now in danger of collapse.

Check out Adrian Grenier's article in today's Huffington Post.

And think twice before including bluefin in your sushi and sashimi order.  We have plenty of good local fish from the docks of Montauk without eating endangered ones.

Musée: Long Island’s Highest Scoring Red - Hamptons Rich and Pour

No Toads, No Bats, Please. This is the Hamptons. - Hamptons Rich and Pour