
Best Fall Vegetables in the Hamptons

Our farmstands are starting to look a bit different than they were in mid-summer, and the choices are wonderful.  Here are the top fall vegetables grown in Eastern Long Island:

The cruciferous family looks better and tastes better in cool weather: broccoli, brussel sprouts (spiraling around the stalk) cabbage, cauliflower.

Fall or winter squash: butternut, acorn, spaghetti, carnival.  Pumpkins also.  There are dozens of others, less common but delicious, with exotic names like turban, banana and delicata.

Belgian endive, grown under soil or straw from cut roots of chicory.  Leeks, similarly grown.

Root vegetables: carrots. celeriac, beets, turnips, salsify, and good old potatoes in all colors and varieties.

Check out the Long Island Farm Bureau listings of farmstands and farmers markets:

Really, Really Old Vintages

Champagne and Other Bubbles