
What We Drive (Almost) - Hamptons Rich and Pour

 In my driveway this morning.

For East Hampton Library Authors Night, Hamptons Magazine and I hosted, at my home, four fabulous writers: Tad Friend: Cheerful Money: Me, My Family, and the Last Days of Wasp Splendor; Jill Martin: Fashion for Dummies; Karen Bergreen: Following Polly; and Alexandra Lebenthal: Recessionistas.

Rolls Royce helped make the party happen, and we had a swell Rolls as well as a Maserati lounging around in my parking area.  The Rolls spent the night, but departed this afternoon.  We know what that’s like.

The Ladies Village Improvement Society Fair, July 2010

What We Ate Then: The Restaurant Scene in the 1970s - Hamptons Rich and Pour