
Quite possibly the most private location in the Hamptons; amenities piled on thickly; a bit of Fairfield County in the Bridgehampton hills

Private Points

When Jann Wenner and Matt Nye were facing their summer of scrutiny several years ago and needed a serious hideaway, they rented a house in just about the most private location one can find in the Hamptons. Located on a point jutting into the Northwest Harbor section of Gardiner’s Bay, the house is reached by a private road running several miles through a golf course and some rugged woodland. It caught our attention when this house was recently listed for sale.

Architecture: A pleasant if not highly distinguished modern structure that clearly defers to its location. It’s really a case of always looking out from the house rather than looking at the house.

Site: Truly land’s end. The water views from this 2 acre parcel are unbroken and unmatched.

The inside word: We are very careful about calling any property unique. They may differ in details but when you think about it there is usually something comparable. We would not hesitate in this case to say that the site, solitary and splendid, right on Barcelona Point is unique in the Hamptons. Offered at $5.9 million.

Treat and Retreat

When a house offers about the same amenities as the colonists might have found, brokers like to call it a “retreat.” It’s their code for lack of comfort. It seems to us, however, that today’s houses, with the amenities piled on thickly, and where you don’t ever have to really leave home, should more genuinely be called a retreat.

Architecture: Hip roofs intersecting at an angle and strapping shingle walls with indentations and extensions lend quite a bit of interest to this house. What might have been merely bulky is balanced by some playful elements.

Site: Two acres overlooking Shelter Island Sound in North Haven. The waterside pool with hot tub and the sandy beach are big advantages.

The inside word: This house is truly a retreat in the sense that every thing is there: a master bedroom with whirlpool and sauna, a media room, gym and plenty of bedrooms, and of course, views and a beach. It’s also good for entertaining when you don’t want to get too far away from it all. Priced at $3.8 million.

All In the Details

How far should a developer, building on speculation, go to be different? Good marketing theory tells you to appeal to the largest segment of the market. The danger is becoming too predictable and generic. On the other hand if you specialize too much, impose too many personal tastes, you slice away at the size of your target market.

Architecture: Traditional forms incorporating some unexpected materials. The flagstone veneers on some outside walls and a roof of slate-like material make us think of some nice old estates in Fairfield County.

Site: One acre off Brick Kiln Road, north of Bridgehampton. The wooded hills provide privacy. Too bad in one way, since Christie Brinkley is a neighbor.

The inside word: The builder of this house was clearly trying to get away from cookie-cutter traditional detailing. He succeeded in working in a number of unexpected materials and details, and overall he has produced a cheerful and attractive place with lots of light and space. Now he will have to see if potential buyers agree and are ready to spend $2.295 million.

Compendium of progressive taste; even a small horse farm comes with bragging rights; high times on a Montauk bluff; well-bred urbane estate with lots of style

Built by a (very tasteful) rebel; maybe passé but on the right bay; part real (estate) and part fantasy; the power of context along with weathered shingles